Jean Harris Broker
- Direct: (919) 319-3693
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30+ years ago Jean Harris chose to join her husband, John in the Real Estate business as it brings together her background in Home Economics, experience in home design and a desire to help families turn every move into a positive one. Jean understands your home gives security on many levels -- a foundation for a good life. Homeownership can provide financial security and enhance emotional security.
Jean has developed a marketing strategy over the years to ensure your home sells for the most money possible in the marketplace. She understands what buyers are thinking when they come to consider your home. Jean is able to help you as a seller stage your home and make inexpensive changes so the most buyers add your home to their short list to buy. Since 92% of buyers begin their search online, Jean strongly focuses on internet based advertising. She uses professional photography and places your home on all major Real Estate websites. She also designs high quality brochures with gorgeous pictures and detailed script which paints an emotional picture of the very best your home offers a new buyer.
From the time you buy a home or sell your home, Jean works behind the scenes with your bank, inspectors and attorney to make sure your home closes as scheduled and uses the latest technology to keep you informed during the entire process. You can count on Jean’s integrity to make sure every “i” is dotted and every “t” is crossed in accordance with the legal and ethical guidelines of the Real Estate industry.